Friday, April 4, 2008

Waiting it out in Philipsburg - St. Martin - Captain's View

The Adamo has been at anchor for three days now in Great Bay. Other boats have sought shelter here from the 30+ knot winds as well. According to one of the mega yacht captains, this has been the worst year he has ever experienced due to the stronger than usual winds.

The horseshoe shape of Great Bay normally makes it a good anchorage to sit out a blow. But, it is not perfect. The winds have whipped the seas into such a furry that sea swells are finding their way into the bay.

Picture this: the ocean waves are coming from the East. The opening for Great Bay is from the West. In order to get swells into the bay, the ocean waves must bend 360 degrees as they wrap around the island (the doppler effect). The swells in the bay are about two to three feet. No great shakes . . . but, the wind is so strong that it is causing the anchor rode to stretch and then pull back in. Every once in a while, the wind stretches the anchor rode tight and a swell hits the stern at the same time causing the boat to lunge forward like a super sized sling-shot. There is no warning of when it's going to happen. Who ever is standing at the time goes flying.

The boys have been using the time to push ahead in home school. Phil is almost done. Doug is banging out one subject at a time. He has completed geometry and psychology and is working on chemistry. I know they will both be very happy to be done for the year.